The fields marked with a ✔ are mandatory. All other fields are optional.
Angaben die hier nicht abgefragt werden oder weitere Informationen können unter 'Anmerkungen zur Belegung/zur Veranstaltung' weiter unten notiert werden.
To book different rooms or other rental properties at different times, please start a new request or, if necessary, make a note of it under 'Notes on occupancy'. The same applies to alternative or alternative dates.
Please select a room from the list above!
One-on-one appointment:
... or 'individual appointments with different times':
... or 'Individual appointments with the same times':
*Checks all rooms for period, opening hours and max. people - regardless of the selection.
If a customer number is known, enter it together with the corresponding e-mail address. Otherwise, optionally, only an e-mail address and other contact details.
Mandatory information
Stadt Brilon Am Markt 4 59929 Brilon (DE) Phone: 02961-969921