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The fields marked with a ✔ are mandatory. All other fields are optional.

Please send details that are not requested here or further information in a separate e-mail to

1. Occupancy information

Occupancy information

1.1 Basic information

1.2 Period

To book different rooms or other rental properties at different times, please start a new request or, if necessary, send it to in a separate e-mail. The same applies to alternative or alternative dates.


Please select a room from the list above!

One-on-one appointment
Date picker
Date picker

... oder Einzeltermine mit gleichen Uhrzeiten
Date picker
: - :
Date picker
: - :
Date picker
: - :

... oder Einzeltermine mit gleichen Uhrzeiten
: - :
Date picker

1.3 Rooms (and other rental properties)

*Checks all rooms for period, opening hours and max. people - regardless of the selection.

Mandatory information

2. Information about the resources

Information about the resources

2.1 Facilities

3. Details of the contact

Details of the contact

Falls eine Kundennummer bekannt ist, diese zusammen mit der dazugehörigen Mailadresse angeben. Andernfalls geben Sie bitte eine Mailadresse, einen Nachnamen und ggf. weitere Kontaktdaten (sofern erforderlich) an.

4. Additional Information

Additional Information


Stadt Steinheim
Marktstraße 2
32839 Steinheim (DE)
Phone: 05233 21143

Betreiber (Plattform)


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